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miércoles, marzo 22, 2006

'Chilean Art through Blogs'
by Rosario Lizana

Trabajo de Víctor Castillo

Chilean artists are finding blogs a way to introduce their work in Chile and in new markets.   “Bitacora del Artista” (ES), is a blog that has a selection of Chilean modern artists. All fields of art are included. “Tropicaltoxic” post about illustrations, Sergio Lay (ES) made updates of art scene through Chile and Victor Castillo (ES) shows his last exposition in Chile ( he lives in Barcelona). This blog also has blogs of small margin groups such as “La Perrera” (ES). “La Perrera” was a dog pound that is actually used for expositions of all art expressions. This place is located in the center of the capitol, Santiago.
A collective of emerging artists post their work and their social opinion in “La Nueva Gráfica Chilena” (ES). News of the art scene, expositions, photos and opinion of social issues from the artist view are posted in this blog.
Other artist in an independent way have started their blog. Sebastián Garretón, Carlos Osorio and Carmen Valle post their work and artist concerns.

You may view the latest post at

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